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Spring 2023 Staff

Taylor Byrd

Taylor Byrd

Graduation Year: 2024
Major: English
Hometown: Todd County, KY
Roles: Submission Manager and Interview Editor
What I liked best: Getting valuable experience in publishing and getting to work on Aurorasomething that will be kept for future generations.
What I want to do after college: I want to get a job as an editor with a publishing company and work on fantasy and mystery novels.

Joshua Soper

Joshua Soper

Graduation Year: 2023
Major: Paralegal Studies
Hometown: Lexington, KY
Roles: Shortfilm Editor, Drama/Screenwriter
What I liked best: The experience to learn how to write better and seeing all the different works people create around campus.
What I want to do after college: Work a simple job as a paralegal and explore my potential over time as a writer.

Jordyn Nalley

Jordyn Nalley

Graduation Year: 2023
Major: English
: Louisville, KY
Roles: Poetry Editor, Virtual Publicity Manager
What I liked best: I loved learning about the process of publishing and advertising a literary magazine as well as gaining more experience in editing. It was fun to work behind-the-scenes.
What I want to do after college: After college, I hope to be an editor or work in publishing. My long term goals are to eventually publish my own book and travel the world.

Jailin Botts

Jailin Botts

Graduation Year: 2024
Major: English
Hometown: Richmond, KY
Roles: Staff Page Editor
What I liked best: My favorite part about working on Aurora was being able to create a platform with a free range of creativity. It is a great opportunity for students to showcase their work; I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone is going to share.
What I want to do after college: After college, I want to become a writer. My main interest is in the horror genre. However, I would love to dive into multiple genres as well. Along with writing novels, I have an interest in publishing. I love the idea of not only establishing myself as a writer but also helping others do the same. I know there are so many amazing writers out there, and I'd love to help their dream become a reality while also working towards my own.

Brooke Shelton

Brooke Stelton

Graduation Year: 2024
Major: English
Hometown: Louisville, KY
Roles: Creative Non-Fiction Editor, Photography and Art Editor, and Creator of Editor's Choice Page
What I liked best: Working on Aurora, I enjoyed learning techniques of editing as we had hands-on experience with a close-knit team. Collaboration with such a small group of people would seem difficult, but it was enjoyable to see everyone's contributions and passions for creative works. Moreover, I already enjoy reading creative prose, but reading work written by our peers was something very intriguing about the class. Even though they are anonymous, these works were brilliant. As a fellow EKU student and English major, I am extremely proud of all the work that I have seen.

Luigi Becher

Luigi Becher

Graduation Year: 2025
Major: English Teaching
Hometown: Somerset, KY
Roles: Fiction Editor, Print Publicity Manager
What I liked best: I loved seeing the variety of fiction produced by my peers.
What I want to do after college: I'm looking to spin my graduation into a wonderful justification for getting a new tattoo.


Olivia Little

Olivia Little

Graduation Year: 2023
Major: English
Hometown: Georgetown, KY
Roles: Music Editor, Event Launch Planner
What I liked best: I loved working with the staff and hearing everyone’s creative ideas.
What I want to do after college: Up in the air. I am excited to see where life takes me after college!





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