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Inside Look

Aurora 2023 Launch

launch Poster

Join us for the official launch of the 2023 issue!  Show your appreciation for works created by EKU students and enjoy free food at the launch.


April 6th at 11:00AM in the Discovery Classroom in Noel Studio


Aurora Launch Party for the Spring 2022 Journal Scheduled for April 6

Aurora Logo

Aurora, a student led literary journal featuring fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, short film, visual art (including photography, comics/cartoons), music, and drama, will host an evening reading, open mic, and celebration of the launch of the journal’s recent issue.

We will be doing our launch from Zoom, so you can attend in the comfort of your own home!!

Spring 2022 Submission Deadline Fast approaching!!!

See text below for full poster text

Submit to AURORA
EKU's Online Literary and Arts Journal

  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Photography
  • Short Film
  • Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Drama
  • Art
  • Music

Deadline for Submission

AURORA "Virtual" Launch scheduled for April 8.

Aurora Launch Party Graphic

Although we had to cancel the launch party for Aurora 2020, come to the Aurora 2020 virtual launch on Wednesday, April 8, at A shoutout to all the folks who made it possible!​

Check out our Launch video!!!

The Making of Aurora, The Literary Journal

Each editor began by taking all submissions and throughly reading and analyzing the element of the text or art to hand select ones to represent EKU. Each submission selected told an incredible story, showing off the creative talents of the students here.

An Evening of Comedy

An Evening of Comedy

Join us for An Evening of Comedy on Thursday, May 2, at 8:00 pm in the Pearl Buchanan Theatre (Keen Johnson Building).

Free to the public. 

Printable Program

Aurora, EKU's Student Literary Magazine 2019 Launch Party Scheduled

See text below for full text on poster

The Aurora 2019 Launch Party

April 10, 2019
Noel Studio
Discovery Classroom

Guest Speaker: Chad Boggs

Open Mic & Free Food

Schedule of Events

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